How and why to create an employee handbook - Mission to Grow: A Small Business Guide to Cash, Compliance, and the War for Talent - #9

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Why Do Employers Need a Handbook?   

a - Although they are not legally mandated there are many state, local and federal employment laws that must be given to employees to be compliant that should be included by the handbook. 

b - Organizations also should leverage handbooks to create and explain the company culture. 

c - Setting expectations is another goal of the handbook so employees know the consequences to not following the standards explained in the handbook.  

d - Educate managers and supervisors so they can recognize issues.  

e - Ensure fair and consistent treatment of employees.  

f - The handbook should explain the benefits the organization offers to educate staff on days off, and medical/dental benefits.  The handbook can also be leveraged as a tool to attract new talent.  

g - Employee handbooks demonstrate the professionalism of the organization and serve as a guide to managers to keep them consistent in employee matters.  

h - Defense for unemployment and legal claims 

What Should Be Included in an Employee Handbook?  

a - Company history, mission and values, welcome statement  

b - Strong Employment at will statement  

c - EEOC policy as well as any state mandated discrimination and harassment laws  

d - Time off policies; vacation is not mandated but many states, such as NY and CA, mandate sick days.  

e - Benefits summary  

f - FMLA for employers over 50 employees  

g - State disability policies  

h - Electronic communications policy- but do not make it too restrictive  

i -No right to privacy in the workplace  

j - Remote/ hybrid work policies  

k - Discipline policies to set expectation and help managers understand company guidelines  

l - How to document time worked and when payday is, follow FLSA and state laws for OT  

m - Meal and/or break times- many states have mandated meal break times  

n - Workplace violence and safety policies; injury reporting  

o - Signed acknowledgment 

What Should NOT Be Included in an Employee Handbook?  

a - Policies that employees cannot talk about their salary or in any way chill employee protected concerted activity   

b - Make the handbook a contract of employment  

c - Include legal clauses such as a commission agreement  

d - Operational policies or those that only apply to a few employees  

e - Policies the organization does not follow consistently like annual reviews for example  

f - Benefits policies that do not include a statement that they may change at any time  

g - Temporary policies (Covid)

Creators and Guests

Mike Vannoy
Mike Vannoy
Mike is a digital-first marketing executive with 25 years dedicated to helping HR companies thrive. As a board member of an AI software company and Chief Marketing Officer at Asure, he's been at the forefront of AI, HR compliance trends, and the changing demographics that shape today's marketplace. Under his leadership at Sales Engine Media, the company predominantly focused on the payroll, HR, and benefits industries, earning multiple spots on the Inc5000 list. Actively involved in multiple small businesses, Mike is a lifelong entrepreneur adept at navigating the changing workforce dynamics. He has held multiple executive roles at industry-leading HR firms, showcasing his expertise and leadership in the sector.
How and why to create an employee handbook - Mission to Grow: A Small Business Guide to Cash, Compliance, and the War for Talent - #9
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